A Bit Early Today (Recovered from LiveJournal)
I'll be out for the rest of the afternoon shoting Quicktime VR Panos, so it's an early update kinda day.I'm sitting about right now, remembering the golden days of the internet and my youth via a conversation in AIM. I've been on the web since roughly 1992, which is absolutely insane when I think about it. I've been climbing across bandwidths for almost ten years. I'm about to make a living off them. Does that make me a supreme master of all things geek or what?
OK, maybe not that alone. But I've got three life sized "Star Wars"-related standups in my house. And I'm proud of that fact. If that doesn't throw me over the limit, I'm not sure what could.
So yesterday was a great day. I got shit done. Then I went home and sat down to watch some wrestling as is my Monday night habit, and the phone rang not five minutes in. It was the place in Anderson where I'd applied for an entry-level design position. I'm going in to interview tomorrow. Things look really hopeful, and I think this is a job I'd actually enjoy quite a bit. Working with a high quality music distribution company, mostly doing web stuff. Here's hoping...
After Raw was over, I made my way upstairs to the Mac and started up Hotline, where the wild Yosef was already waiting for me. I started downloading from his multitude of online applications and Autumn and I went off to Taco Bell for dinner.. only a little late at about 10:30PM.
When we returned, Autumn almost demanded I play Resident Evil: Code Veronica, because it was the only Dreamcast game I owned that I'd yet to turn on. Well, that and she'd been playing it off and on all week and wanted to brag about being better at it than I, laugh as I jump at the appropriate scenes, etc..
Long story short, I was still playing 3 hours later. I'm hooked on Resident Evil again. Bastards at Capcom know how to make a good, fun game.
I didn't want to get up this morning, but somehow managed to drag myself into the shower. Work's been ok today. I'm not quite as enthusiastic as I was yesterday, but I'm still getting stuff done pretty regularly. I'm excited about the new Campus Map design, which is good. That means I'll get it done faster.
OK, I'm boring again. Time to say goodbye.
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